2120 North Park Drive, Suite #208 Brampton, ON L6S 0C9


We provide the highest quality of care with the goal of getting our patients back to a pain free, happy and active lifestyle


Brampton Rehab Clinic

The benefits of integrated therapies in recent years has been recognized by many doctors and other practitioners as the most comprehensive means for recovery from an injury or general health decline.
Physiotherapy and Osteopathic treatment relieve and help to heal most common complaints, such as:

★ Arthritic pain
★ Neck and back pain
★ Headaches
★ Sprain/strain
★ Shoulders, hand, pelvis, hip, and foot pain
★ TMJ(jaw joint condition)


How many sessions does it take to see results?

It is important to note that treatment does not only target the symptoms, but seeks to find the underlying causes of the problem, then minimize them as much as possible.
Significant results might be experienced in 3-5 visits. Depending on the patients condition such as in chronic cases more sessions may be required.
Clinic staff is goal-oriented to help the patient improve in the least amount of time, and to minimize the use of medications.
A secondary benefit to the patient is to educate them to take better care of themselves.
Osteopathy is a natural medical science that looks at the human body as an integrated system of structures and functions that are interrelated. An osteopathic practitioner strives to restore structure balances of the elements in the body.
For example, the practitioner can work on joint motion, muscles or fascia to restore circulation, and lymphatic drainage resulting in the restoration of the proper function of all body systems click here to go to the Therapy Centre.

The Osteo Rehab Clinic

Brampton Market Square
2120 North Park Drive, Suite #208
Brampton, ON L6S 0C9

Cell: 416-648-9293
Tel: 905-793-6474

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